Wednesday, October 25, 2006

It’s been a while since I last updated my blog. I have already been to France for one and a half months now and I’m enjoying my time here a lot; although I had some trouble at first, and the transition from New Jersey (I can’t say from Austria, since I was only there for 1 week) to France was harder than I had thought it would be. It took me such a long time to update my blog, because it’s only been about 3 weeks that my internet is working properly. When I lived with the French family, I only had internet connection in the kitchen (!) and so I never spent so much time online. The last weeks I had to do a lot of organizational stuff or went out in the evenings, and so I was just too lazy when I was in my apartment. But now I’m ready for some updates to inform you what’s going on in my life here in Lyon : )
Some negative aspects: « Ma famille d’accueil français » or « My French host family » They turned out to be not at all as I had imagined. Well, actually there was only the woman living in the apartment, as all 3 children (aged between 18 and 22) already moved out. The husband was not there either, as he is a military officer in Afghanistan. I wanted to stay with a family, because I’ve had some great experiences with host families before, and my time in the States with the O’Shaughnessys was also really great, so I thought living with a French family would be also nice. But French people are very different from Americans – not as out-going, not as friendly, much stiffer,… well, at least some of the French women. As I couldn’t imagine how to live with “her”, a 47-year-old stiff French woman, for a whole semester, I wanted to move out! Well, actually there would have also been the fiancé of the 22-year-old daughter living in the apart… (Don’t you think it’s a bit strange that the daughter has her own apartment in Lyon and that the daughter’s boyfriend is living together with his future mother-in-law?? I think so, but probably it’s just like that, because they are really religious people; but anyway, in my opinion, it’s still a bit strange.) What is more, the woman didn’t cook so much for me either – she just prepared something like pasta with tomato sauce that I could eat alone in front of the TV. I didn’t want to pay so much money every month for getting only already finished products. One of the reasons I wanted to live with a French family was to get a better insight into French life, get to know French cuisine,… but as I didn’t get that, I decided to look for something better (and cheaper) and I can’t describe how glad I am that I found something. Although I’m living not so close to the center of the city anymore, I like it much more in my new apartment. French organization – confusing university, no fix timetable for 1 month, etc. By comparing the French university system to the Austrian, I learn to appreciate the Austrian university system. Here in France everything is just chaotic and there are long lines wherever you go. Strikes or « grèves » When it comes to striking, French people are the worst. There is always some kind of « manifestation » or « grève ». Last week and the week before public transport (bus, tram, etc.) went on a strike, so that I came often a bit late to my classes.
Shock about new hair cut Three weeks ago I decided to go to the « coiffeur » to get a new haircut. Well, actually I just wanted to get my hair trimmed again and maybe some layers. But as soon as I had told my half French and half Lebanese haircutter what he should do, he told me that he knew something better. And although I kept showing him a picture of a coiffure I liked, he said that I should just trust him, and that he knew what he was doing. As he seemed to know what he was talking about, I just let him do what he wanted to. But while he was cutting, I already had a bad feeling, as he was cutting my hair and shaking my head like crazy. In the end, some of his fingers were bleeding, because he had been cutting himself thousands of times. And I just couldn’t believe what I saw… I had about 100 layers and I really wished that I could have my hair again. But now, I already kind of like my new coiffure, and maybe it was good to do it… maybe I look a bit more French now ; )
Missing family and friends sometimes Of course, I would like to see my family and friends sometimes…. have a chat with them, hang out with them,… but I know that time is going by so fast, and I’ll see them at Christmas again.
Lyon expensive compared to Graz Compared to Austria, France is more expensive… It’s terrible how much money I need here. I guess, when I go back to Austria I’ll be totally blank.
Speaking English and German most of the time, hard to get to know French people I would have never thought how hard it is to get to know French people here. Of course, we speak with them regularly, but most of the time only small talk. We spend a lot of time with other international students which is obvious, because we are in the same boat; and it is really nice that we already know so many people here, but on the other hand we should also try to get in contact with French students and spend more time with them as well. Positive aspects: Already met a lot of really friendly people…
…from all over the world. There are a lot of really nice German, Mexican, Polish, Canadian, Italian, American, Australian,… people with whom we have a great time here. It’s fun getting to know people from so many different places and learning interesting things about them. When the weather was still nice, we often sat by the Saône and chatted (especially with the Germans). Now we often go to parties together or meet them somewhere else in the city or at someone’s place and have fun.
Lyon: beautiful city, Parc de la Tête d’Or, Fourvière, Vieux Lyon, awesome nightlife Take a look at the pictures and you’ll know what I’m talking about ; )
SHOPPING… …is really great here, but I just fear that I’m spending too much money.
New apartment – « colocation française » I’m so glad that I moved into this apartment with a French girl, because now I’m independent again and can do what I want to. Emilie, « ma colocataire » who is a 20-year-old psychology student in Lyon, is really nice. The apartment is newly renovated and so everything is really beautiful here.
Trips to country side: Château de Montmelas, Grenoble… really beautiful!… Take a look at the pictures… : ) My birthday celebration or « Ma fête d’anniversaire » It was the first time that I was not at home at my birthday, but it turned out to be really great. On Saturday, Oct. 7, I cooked potato soup and “überbackene Schinkenfleckerl”, invited some people to my place, and we had a nice afternoon; and in the evening I went out with some guys… Although I’m so far away from NYC right now, it’s great to know that now, that I’m 21, I could legally get into all those clubs in Manhattan : )
On Sunday, Oct. 8, we spent a relaxing day in a beautiful parc and celebrated Nicole's (German girl) B-Day. FUN, FUN, FUN
I can say that my negative experiences are clearly outweighed by my positive ones and I know that it was the right decision to spend my semester abroad in Lyon. In fact, I’m having such a great time here that I’m already thinking about prolonging my stay. It would be really good if I spent the whole year here, since I would profit so much from this stay and could improve my French language skills a lot. But I'm not really sure yet what to do, so if you have tips for me, just write me : )


Anonymous said...

Hello Michi!!!!! What a great blog!wow I tried so many times to start a vlog and each time I was too lazy to finish it....I am off to Uni now but I just want to write I am having great fun with you here in Lyon and I really wish I could stay longer!remember this weekend we are OUT together again ,hooray:) here is my photo webpage which I told you about.I will have to update it a bit though...
Well, have a nice day
Maja la polonaise

P.S. me and Sarai want to make a nose piercin g together, what do you think about it? I need advice!\Hugs xxxx

michaela said...

Hey Maja!

Thanks, I also like your photo webpage -- it's really great! Maybe I should also do something like that, since I always have so many pics :)
I also enjoy the time here in Lyon with you -- we have to go out together soon again.

Okay, I have to get ready now -- tonight I'm invited to some French people -- there will also be some German guys and we have dinner together.

Well, hope I'll cu soon...


PS: Oh my gosh, a nose piercing sounds great! Sarai already told me about it, and now I'm also thinking about getting a belly button piercing. What do you think about it?