Friday, August 25, 2006

August 24, 25, 26 Three days alone with the kids
Yesterday Sharon and Kevin went to Atlantic City to celebrate their 11th anniversary. I’ve been alone here with the kids since yesterday evening and so far everything has been going well.
Thursday evening I drove Conor to his football practice. When I was back home with Riley and Finn, I baked marble cake -- well, I just put the powder in a bowl, mixed it with eggs, oil and water and then I put everything into a baking pan. I would never do it in Austria like that; I used to bake cakes by myself, but last year I got used to that “easy way“ of cooking. While the cake was in the oven, I picked up Conor again -- the kids got chocolate chip cookies, since a coach had his birthday -- and then we went back; just in time to take the cake out of the oven. Once it had cooled off, we frosted it with chocolate, and then I had 3 very happy boys enjoying the “self-made” cake.
At about 5 in the morning my nanny duties were calling, since I heard someone crying. It was Conor sitting in the bathroom and crying about his bleeding nose. It was really not so much blood, but as soon as Conor sees blood, he starts crying. I had to tell him not to cry in order to prevent waking up Finn. He fortunately managed to fall asleep again and I also had 2 more hours of precious sleep.
Friday morning, Conor and Riley had their sports camp again. After I had dropped them off, I went to the gym with Finn where I saw some breaking news from Austria on CNN. Have you heard about that Austrian girl, Natascha, who was kidnapped 8 years ago and had been held captive until she fled on Thursday? I can still remember when she disappeared, and now, 8 years later, she is still alive! But it must be terrible what she must have gone through.... I really hope that that girl can lead a normal life again soon.
After the gym, I went to the grocery store with Finn to pick up some pictures; arrived back home again, we had lunch. At 1, we picked up Conor and Riley, but instead of going back, we stayed at the playground and played basketball before we went home.
At 5 Conor had to get ready for his football practice. It was great that he could go with a friend who lives in the neighborhood, so I didn’t have to drive. I could give Finn and Riley a bath in the meantime and do other things.
When Conor came back and Finn was in bed, we cleaned up the playrooms and gave some toys to charity. Actually, it was me who put most of the toys away, because as soon as the kids saw anything they hadn’t seen for some time, they played with it. I also had to take pictures of the cleaned up rooms, because we don’t see the rooms often like that. : ) I guess the cleaning ladies who are coming tomorrow, by the way, will be delighted that they don’t have to do that anymore.
I could still tell you more about our day, but I better get going now, since I have to get up early again. Tomorrow (Saturday) I’ll probably take the kids to Chuck E. Cheese’s, since I promised them to go there if they help me cleaning up the playrooms, and I guess a good nanny keeps her promises ; )

At the playground

In the bathtub The cleaned up playrooms


Anonymous said...

Hi Michaela!
Es ist 7 Uhr morgens und zwischen Blumen gießen und bügeln hab mich mir die Zeit genommen auf deinen blogspot vorbeizuschauen. Bewundernswert wie du das mit den drei Kinders auf die Reihe kriegst, als hättest du schon zwölf großgezogen. Es klingt alles so unkompliziert - wir essen, wir baden, finn schläft, der andsere ist beim Fußballtraining - so als ob das alles nebenbei geht. Und glaug mir ich weiß genau wie erledigt man dann schon mal sein kann, wenn so ein Tag zu Ende ist. Auf jeden Fall freu ich mich für dich das du so eine schöne Zeit hast und auch die Möglichkeit nutzt Vieles anzusehen und zu erleben. Ich meld mich wieder, alles Gute weiterhin. Waltraud

Anonymous said...

Hi Michaela,

First of all: greetings from Innsbruck. We already have snow on the mountains!

I see your are really doing well.
We couldn't meet this year when we were in Kirchschlag. Iris was very sorry. But the other girls were very nice to her and she finally felt nearly grown up. Manuel helped us guys preparing wood for the winter and doing various work.
This year's holidays were perfect for us. First we spent some days in Italy were my friend joined us with her motorcycle. Then Kirchschlag, afterwards a few days in Eastern Tirol with my friend. At Last some days with the grandparents in Thiersee.
Tomorrow I'm goinig to Vienna for some days. This time we will visit various art exhibitions. Of course we will also see Parndorf (is a must for me *smile* ).

Dear Michaela,
hope you come back well again.
I look forward to meeting you again.

Dear greetings- Martin from the snowy mountains.